Voice Note
Podcast, April 2020. New writing.

An exploration of distance and communication during isolation.
During the first UK Covid lockdown in March 2020, Brave Mirror brought together a group of 25 students from across the country to produce ‘Voice Note’, a two part podcast series of original monologues, exploring the impact of lockdown on ourselves and our relationships.
Both episodes contain strong language and themes some listeners may find upsetting.
'Isolation' (Part 1)
‘Cracks’ was written and performed by Gaby Foley
‘Wankered’ was written by Isobel Granger and performed by Caitlin Claxton
‘March 23rd’ was written and performed by Eden Peppercorn
‘Dirty Glasses’ was written by Caitlin Palmer O’Shaughnessy and performed by Elsa Rae Llewellyn
‘Angry Neighbour’ was written by Edie Keays and performed by Ben Wheeler
‘Yearning Silence’ was written by Hannah Davenport and performed by Kitty Daniels
'Isolation' (Part 2)
‘A Simulated Tragedy’ was written and performed by Eve Coleman
‘Sonder’ was written by Josie Dixey Watson and performed by Aarushi Ganju
‘Joe’ was written by Minnie Cunningham and performed by Angus Cooper
‘Alone’ was written by Emmanuelle Capatos and performed by Harry Berry
‘Blaze of Glory’ was written by Ben Fox and performed by Isabelle Cory
Produced by Madeleine Cross, Minnie Cunningham, Thomas Duggan, and Jamie Saul
Music by Maia Harding